Combined Therapies

The Utilisation of Combined Therapies Equals Success

One of the secrets of Grace’s talents at treating clients so  successfully is her ability to call instantly on a wide range of skills and adapt them to the person sitting in front of her.

Having been part of the complimentary medicine field for thirty years, Grace has seen people and therapies come and go and now has a network of trusted fellow professionals whom she can call on for advice and also to refer clients to when they need additional help. These include osteopaths, acupuncturists, counsellors and chiropractors amongst others. If she feels that you need to use one of these she will refer you to the appropriate person.

Your doctor’s diagnosis and medical specialist’s opinions are always kept at the forefront of any treatment we may offer.

Below are examples of four techniques that Grace uses to help clients:

EAV Testing

This is the term used for Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll. Dr. Reinhardt Voll was a scientist in Germany in the 1950’s and he designed a metering device – a Voll machine – capable of measuring acupuncture points. This system, which also is called EDS – electro-dermal screening, can be used both as a testing and treatment one. It can either be used as a computerised system or not. The advantage of the computer based one, which is the one Grace uses, is that the patient can see what is being measured and it is quicker and more thorough.

The system is a way of taking readings from the client to determine which factors are causing their particular problem or condition. By using this system the client can be tested for all sorts of food, chemicals, toxins etc that maybe causing their present health issues.

The system is a totally non-invasive, painless technique which does not use acupuncture needles.

Over many years and thousands of clients Grace has used the system on patients from two weeks old to 90 years old!


Over the years Grace has found that the combination of EAV Testing with Iridology has proved very successful and popular with her clients. She has combined the two as the main basis of her diagnoses. The theory behind Iridology is that fact that the iris in the eye is made up of over 25,000 nerve endings connected to all parts of the body.

Iridology does not indicate specific diseases but it gives its practitioners the patients constitutional make up as regards inherited weaknesses, mental and emotional issues and digestive inefficiencies amongst many other indicators. This enables her to target your diagnosis and treatment more effectively.

In years to come the importance of the individual nature of the human iris will become more widely seen with the introduction of Biometrics, whereby the iris along with the finger tips/prints will be used to recognise an individual in security operations.


This is a modern day system of determining a patients causes of poor health by looking at the effects of man made chemicals on the human body, We are exposed now to thousands of chemicals everyday that previous generations were not and homeotoxicology considers these as poisons which will have negative results both internally and externally on the body. These chemicals are found in water, foods, air, cars, homes and anywhere else that we inhabit.

Whilst the body is being bombarded by these chemicals it has to compensate and homeotoxicology believes that this compensation results in disease in the body so if you can determine and eliminate the offending poison, the body’s health will improve.

Complex Homeopathy  

Once you have evaluated which chemicals are causing the health problems the next step is to help the patient overcome the poison. This is one area where Complex Homeopathy is used by Grace in her treatments.

Complex Homeopathy is a branch of Homeopathy whereby instead of using a single remedy and potency as a treatment a remedy is used which has maybe 6 or 7 different items such as herbs, minerals etc in range of potencies. The basis behind it is that the body can then choose which items and potencies it needs on that particular day.

The ranges used include remedies specifically designed to deal with toxins from foods, beauty products, pharmaceutical drugs, industrial materials such as chlorine and pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungii amongst many others.


These are just some of the diagnostic and treatment techniques Grace uses on a day to day basis in her clinic when seeing her clients. During your consultation with her she will discuss other therapies and treatment she feels will help you.

Her success in combining these four distinct and very effective fields has resulted in her name being known worldwide.

To arrange an appointment with Grace Hall please telephone

01344 761 811

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